Monday, September 14, 2009


Were I to take cupcake-making more seriously (professionally of some sort, perhaps?), I would likely think of these as my "standard" creations:

FANCY (these generally look very clean and purdy):

carrot cake with golden raisins and walnuts, cream cheese frosting, walnut garnish

red velvet, cream cheese frosting, cherry garnish

vanilla bean cake, kahlua filling, coffee frosting

graham cracker cake, banana pudding, chocolate frosting, crushed graham cracker garnish

chocolate cake, peanut butter filling, peanut butter frosting, 1/2 reese's pb cup garnish

buttermilk yellow cake, strawberry filling, butter cream frosting, strawberry garnish

lemon cake, raspberry filling, cream cheese frosting, raspberry and mint leaf garnish

SIMPLE (these are good for playing with decorations):

white cake, butter cream frosting, w or w/o coconut

white cake, chocolate frosting, sprinkles

chocolate cake, chocolate cherry mousse as frosting, cherry garnish

chocolate cake, marshmallow frosting, fresh flower garnish

white cake with sprinkles (funfetti-esque), marshmallow frosting,
jelly bean garnish

Of course, half the fun is coming up with new combinations, and catering to what people want/ask for. If nothing else, it can help all you indecisive fools get a better idea of what exactly you're asking for when you tell me you want my cuppies ;)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Life, Rebooted

Hello again, silly little blog. I've missed you. It's been a while since I've contributed a self-indulgent offering to the blogosphere. We have a lot to catch up on! Grab some coffee, let's chat a bit...

A lot has happened since I last wrote. Where to even begin? I fell in love. I lost that love. I lost my job. I had a phenomenal summer of funemployment. I applied to and got accepted to grad school (double eagle, as they say). I moved. Practically every aspect of my life has changed in some fashion. And like a Big Mac, I'm lovin' it (Note: I would not actually love a Big Mac, too many condiments).

I'm currently in a state of transition, having not completely settled into the new apartment yet, nor having worked out just what I'll be doing for an internship/work. But I'm already getting busier, and we all know I thrive when I'm busy. Which is not to say all those days at the park this summer weren't absolutely fabulous, having no responsibilities and lots of sunshine did wonders for me (and may have contributed to inevitable future skin damage, but damnit, my tan looked good). But as the weather starts to develop that crisp bite of autumn, my not-so-secret inner goodie-school-nerd is jumping up and down at the smell of new notebooks.

Actually, all of me has been jumping up and down lately. As one bestie said "it's good to see happy, smiling becky again." I guess I hadn't realized she had gone anywhere, but I certainly notice she's back. Maybe things had just been too stagnant for too long...

Not the case anymore, dear blog. Not at all. It's like I've hit a reset button. With all these changes has of course come some perspective, and what has become most conscious to me is the big birthday I have coming up (okay, I know most of the people who read this are my friends, and are probably shuddering at 25 being a big birthday to me, because I'm a baby to you all, but it's a big deal to me!). For a while I've been thinking that 25 will mean responsibility. But if I'm honest with myself, I am as responsible as I need to be to get by, and my tendency towards spontaneity/flightiness is part of my charm, if not a marker of who I am. While my breasts hang like a woman's now (requisite ani quote, check!), I am no less who I have always been, and what I think is most important for this birthday is actively enjoying everything and everyone I have around me, and all the opportunities I've had and continue to have. I think it's important to push and challenge myself, have new experiences, and do things that I'm not necessarily good at (one of the major reasons I've decided to play football this season - but don't worry, as Sarah is quick to point out, I wear hot pink short-shorts to practice. To thine own self...)

Yesterday, in my first graduate class, we performed the typical "introduce your partner" icebreaker. At the end of class, I thanked Christine for the introduction, and she said something along the lines of "you've lived an awesome life." I did a double-take. What? Me? Sure I think I have an awesome life, but I'd imagine it seems fairly average from the outside (hell, she didn't even know I fuck women - now that's awesome). Yes, things do have a way of working out for me. Yes, I receive an inordinate amount of compliments from strangers. Yes, my powers of persuasion are stronger than most. And I may have lived an awesome life thus far, but i am quite certain there is a great deal more awesome to come.

So that's where I'm at, bloggy. Hopefully you'll see a whole lot more of me following this rebooting of my life, and (speaking of tech) now that I have a handy dandy functioning laptop! I have no excuse. Love and cupcakes.